為了協助想跨入數位科技領域的求職者與徵才企業媒合,並促進國際人才在台就業發展,「DIGI+ Talent跨域數位人才加速躍升計畫」偕同知名國際人才平台「CakeResume」聯合辦理就業博覽會,歡迎求職者報名參加!別懷疑,真的免費!


◩ 活動內容 / Event Details:

為了協助想跨入數位科技領域的求職者與徵才企業媒合,並促進國際人才在台就業發展,「DIGI+ Talent跨域數位人才加速躍升計畫」偕同知名國際人才平台「CakeResume」聯合辦理就業博覽會,歡迎求職者報名參加!別懷疑,真的免費!

跨領域數位人才當道,超過2000個工作機會等你來應徵!如果你還在尋尋覓覓理想職位,那真的不要錯過「2023跨域數位暨國際人才就業博覽會」,絕對是網羅夢想企業的大好機會,快帶著履歷來與徵才企業一對一交流,Dream Job就在你眼前,自己的未來自己創造!

The Digital & International Talent Job Fair 2023 organized by the "DIGI+ Talent Accelerator & Jumpstart Program" in collaboration with the renowned international talent platform "CakeResume", aims to help job seekers interested in entering the digital industry to connect with recruiting companies, and to promote international talent development and employment opportunities in Taiwan. Anyone seeking job opportunities is welcome to sign up for this free-of-charge event.

Cross-domain digital talent is in high demand, with over a hundred job opportunities waiting for you to apply! If you're still searching for your dream job, don't miss the " Digital & International Talent Job Fair 2023". This is an excellent opportunity to connect with dream companies, so bring your resume and participate in one-on-one individual interview with recruiting companies. Your dream job is right in front of you, so create your own future!

◩ 活動亮點




◧ Highlights

📌Prestigious tech companies invited to provide rare one-on-one individual interview opportunities in person

📌Wide range of job openings, from Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science, Smart Network, Information Security, to Digital Content and Digital Marketing Industry

📌Keynote Speeches by world-leading experts on international job market to share the latest industry development trend

◩ 適合對象

· 準備進入職場的準畢業生、社會新鮮人

· 已有工作經驗,希望轉職到數位科技產業領域的在職/待業人士

· 有意朝國際職涯發展之求職者

· 有求職需求的在台外籍人士

◧ Target Audience

If you are…

· Fresh grad looking to enter the job market

· Professionals who are ready to start anew in Digital Industry

· Job seekers interested in pursuing an international career

· International personnel who are currently looking for a job

◩ 活動議程 Agenda

活動議程 Agenda

◩ 徵才企業 Participating Companies

徵才企業 Participating Companies

◩ 給求職者的小叮嚀

✅ 建議活動出席著正式服裝,第一眼就給面試官好印象!

✅ 當天務必記得攜帶多份紙本履歷表,建議同時攜帶能展現您專業能力的作品集、證照等,將資料提供給應徵企業,提升你的專業可信度。

◧ Tips

✅ We highly recommend participants to be well dressed, to provide a good first impression for the interviewers.

✅ Please prepare a few physical copies of your portfolio and resume, to show your skills and accomplishments to potential employers.

◩ 諮詢聯絡管道


· 本國人才:DIGI+粉專(中文客服)https://www.facebook.com/digiplustalent

· 外籍人才:TCA粉專(英語客服)https://www.facebook.com/talentcirculation

◧ Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding the event or the registration, please contact us via our Facebook page:

· DIGI+ Facebook (Chinese Contact Person For Taiwanese Talent): https://www.facebook.com/digiplustalent

· TCA Facebook (English Contact Person For Foreign Talent): https://www.facebook.com/talentcirculation
